
3.5 x 3 x 24 inches
Materials: air, reclaimed LDPE single-use plastics,
PLA, LED strip lighting
Fabrication: heat press, iron, 3D printing

2024 - Fusion - Concordia University

Using reclaimed plastics found within Montreal, noodle brings another life to these otherwise wasted materials to create a playful and imaginative lamp. The project is inspired by counterculture movements from the late 60s that experimented with pneumatics to create alternative inflatable spaces and architectures.

The lamp is light in both its aesthetics and materiality. It explores how air can create form, allowing for the lamps to collapse and be stored taking up as little space as possible. It approaches sustainability through the act of extending the life of materials that are intended to be used once. It is silly by nature, emitting a sense of joy into the space it is held within.

This project would not be possible without the help of Studio Rat.